Training Courses - All

Browse our range of courses and pathways. From software training to investigative techniques, you'll find a course and pathway to suit your needs.


Investigate with CSAS v3

Instructor Lead scenario based course to learn the essentials and build the confidence to utilise the features and functionalities of CSAS to gain investigative leads through detailed and practical instruction in the operational use of CSAS.

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Forensic RF

Lima Cell Monitor Operators Training Course

Learn the fundamentals and gain the confidence to effectively operate a Lima cell monitor to collect Radio Frequency (RF) survey field data through an understanding of theory and practice of using the features and functionalities of the equipment.

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Communications Data

Next Generation Comms Data Analysis

Learn the theory, concepts and techniques required to correctly interpret the next generation of communication data in order to exploit investigative leads through an in-depth exploration of the new and upcoming communication services, network technologies and calling techniques.

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